“Sans numéro pro, c’est le bazar” : pourquoi Diligo a opté pour les Cloud Numbers d’Onoff Business
What are the digital tools that help startups save time, avoid losing data and automate their processes? One of them is Onoff Business, a perfect solution for assigning a professional number to your employees. Advantages: no more loss of information when employees leave and no more time wasted on buying a second phone or a pro package. Testimony of François Mayaud, founder of Diligo.
"I stay in control of my business number in the cloud" François Mayaud, founder of Diligo"
Please introduce yourself
I am François Mayaud, an entrepreneur in environmentally responsible projects. I have created two companies: Les Empotés for the delivery of zero-waste meal trays and today Diligo, a cargo bike delivery service. For Les Empotés, we manage the delivery and return of the containers. So we needed a clean, reliable, and above all economical means of delivery. That’s how Diligo was born. In 5 months, we already have 70 corporate clients.
Why did you need the pro numbers provided by Onoff Business?
As an entrepreneur, I’m always looking for the best tools, those that will allow me to scale up, automate processes as much as possible and empower my employees. I use solutions like Qonto, Stripe, Pennylane, Hubspot. The most important thing for me is that no one should be irreplaceable: even if I die tomorrow, the company should be able to continue. When employees use their personal number for work and leave the company, it’s a mess. I needed to be able to assign a professional number easily: I chose Onoff Business for all my employees.
How do you use Onoff Business?
Our customers are florists, caterers, food tech startups, beer producers and painting or upholstery companies. Regarding customer service in the field, everything related to bike messaging and courier services, we need to be reactive. So to manage our customer support, we use Whatsapp for Business accounts. It’s fast and customers are already using them. This means that each of my employees has to have a cell phone number to create a Whatsapp account. With Onoff Business, each of us has a business number, which we use for our Whatsapp for Business account, and we keep our personal number for the personal Whatsapp. This way, I stay in control of the professional number: I can transfer the Whatsapp for Business account and the calls if an employee is absent or leaves the company. For a price of 9€ / month you might think it’s expensive but it really allows you to be well organized.
What are the advantages of Onoff Business for a startup like Diligo?
Onoff Business is very easy to use, it’s really great. We were able to set it up during the lockdown, completely remotely. And it avoids having two phones, one business and one personal, which is really time consuming and cumbersome.
What is Diligo?
Launched in 2020, the young and dynamic Diligo team is bringing the cargo bike back into fashion. Specialized in cyclo-logistics, they make deliveries with these bikes equipped with a trunk to carry loads. Their customers, merchants, caterers, restaurant owners, beer brewers, use their service for their deliveries. The advantages: a delivery on time, because the bicycles avoid the traffic jams in which the trucks get stuck. And fast delivery. The bikes can take up to 100kg of goods and as they are electric, they are fast and maneuverable. And of course, it’s an ecological and economical transport. By pooling the orders, the startup manages to offer better prices to its customers.
The success
The startup has a lot of ambition and would like to replace trucks in the city with cargo bikes. Because trucks today represent 30% of the car congestion. The objective is not to develop a model like Uber, but to recruit a certain number of employees, because the cargo bike offers margins that allow to ensure the hiring of staff and therefore a quality of customer care. In a few months, they have already made more than 2000 deliveries. They are now recruiting delivery drivers and have more than 70 client companies.
Why Onoff Business has developed a solution for business numbers in the Cloud
Onoff Business, dematerialized corporate telephony
I created Onoff from a simple observation: everything is in the cloud (our emails, music, files, movies, etc.) except our mobile number which is still stuck in a SIM card,” says Taïg Khris, founder of Onoff Telecom and Onoff Business. But thanks to the cloud, we can find our emails, our music, our photos from any computer or phone, and we benefit from a backup of our content. I wanted our mobile numbers to be just as flexible, so I came up with Cloud Numbers.”
Developed for home users, we soon realized that Cloud Numbers were very useful for businesses. For two important reasons.
Simplify logistics with pro numbers in the cloud.
Assigning a business number to employees can be a real headache, and very expensive. Buying a cell phone for each employee and a plan means committing cash and spending time administering it all. How can you avoid having to buy multiple mobile plans and laptops? With a dematerialized solution.
We have therefore designed an offer for companies, Onoff Business, which includes an application allowing you to simply have one (or several) pro numbers on your phone. And an online administration interface from which entrepreneurs can quickly create a whole fleet of mobile numbers, allocate them and change the beneficiary, easily. (also read: Dematerialization, 7 solutions for your business).
Back up important company data
One of the most important working tools is now the cell phone, whether for sales, customer support or marketing contacts. Losing the contacts stored on an employee’s phone, due to loss, theft or departure, represents a real loss of earnings for the company. All entrepreneurs know that data is now part of the assets of a business. We wanted to respond to this need. With Onoff Business, you can assign a business number that remains the property of the company and save the contacts linked to this number in the cloud. The service also offers the possibility to re-assign an existing mobile number, so that customers always call the same number to reach the company. And there is no break in the customer follow-up (also read: Turnover, how to manage customer follow-up).
“I’m happy that our solution is helping companies in different sectors and startups like Diligo to be more efficient and focus on their core business,” adds Taïg Khris.
François’ testimonial shows that we have succeeded in meeting his needs in terms of ease of use, speed of implementation and backup of important data.
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