Dematerialization: 7 solutions for your company
Whether it is in an ecological approach, to reduce costs, to optimize administrative procedures or to save time, dematerialization has many advantages. A simple electronic invoice can reduce processing costs by about 25%. But dematerialization is not only limited to administrative processes, in fact, different tools allow you to optimize many daily activities in your company. Here are some good solutions to adopt in 2020!
Yousign, no more paperwork
No more paperwork, no more exorbitant printing costs and no more waiting for documents to be processed. With Yousign, for the dematerialization of your administrative documents, getting your contracts signed has never been easier. This French alternative to DocuSign allows you to securely sign, send and store any contract.
Swile, goodbye luncheon vouchers
This French startup has set itself the goal of dusting off paper meal vouchers by transforming them into payment cards. Thanks to this dematerialization of the tickets, no more need to top up! In addition to having a mastercard to make your payments in one of the 220,000 partner establishments, you can benefit from Apple Pay as well as a customer service that can be reached by chat, in less than a minute. The cherry on top? Swile allows employees to order as a group to get discounts at restaurants. The administrative management of the voucher allocation is also simplified to the maximum.
Onoff Business, no more cumbersome second (business) phone
Having a business phone and a personal phone? Not only is it cumbersome and costly, it is no longer necessary. With the French solution, Onoff Business, you can simplify your life by giving all your employees one (or several) additional numbers directly on their personal phones. The allocation of numbers is done in a few clicks and they are all hosted on the cloud, accessible from different devices and this, anywhere in the world. The added bonus: the possibility of opting for international packages to benefit from communications at local rates.
AR24, switch to electronic registered mail
Because sending registered letters is for many synonymous with ordeal, AR24 offers a 100% online solution to optimize its shipments while having the same legal value as a traditional registered letter. This dematerialization solution would reduce the cost of sending registered letters by half and the time spent on sending them by more than 80%. No more printing, enveloping and travelling to post offices!
iPaidThat, the automated, simple and collaborative pre-accounting tool
iPaidThat automatically collects your invoices online and monitors your cash flow by comparing the imported invoices with your bank statements and informs you if an invoice is missing. On top of that, the startup gives you access to a quick and easy mobile expense management application for all employees.
Notion, simplify your notes
An all-in-one solution: notes, docs, knowledge base, tasks and projects but also data tables, all in one application. Concentrating on many uses, Notion will simplify your life with an organization proposed in the form of 27 blocks divided into 5 categories according to the uses. The best way to understand it is to try it because the features are vast.
Libeo, free yourself from invoices
Libeo has imagined a solution that allows you to manage and pay your supplier invoices online by sending a simple email. You don’t even need an IBAN or to manually enter all invoices, the application will save you up to 10 hours per week of management while limiting data entry errors. Even the reminders can be automated. This Parisian fintech plans to become the Lydia of professionals, as simple and as fast.
Why should you choose dematerialization ?
Electronic Document Management (EDM) allows you to optimize processes, to respond to brand image issues or to concerns about regulatory compliance and rationalization strategies. Beyond this type of management, many initiatives are proposed to companies to facilitate the daily life of employees. Digitization is all the more important as it has been encouraged by the French government for several years now. Since January 2017, pay slips have been issued in electronic format for private employees as stipulated in Article 54 of the Labor Law. For this year 2020, the Macron law of August 6, 2015 provided that all companies are obliged to accept electronic invoices.
Making money by digitizing
Overall, almost everyone stands to gain, it has been shown that a paper invoice would cost about nine euros where an electronic invoice costs only three. The dematerialized elements would then be 79% of supplier invoices and 28% of electronic invoices issued by BtoB SMEs. In the end, 46% of savings would be achieved by implementing dematerialization coupled with a good workflow system. So, beyond invoices, don’t wait any longer to limit your environmental impact while saving money.
Work better as a team thanks to online solutions
Teamwork has always been a guarantee of productivity gains. With the development of digital tools, this collaboration is greatly facilitated. By improving communication and facilitating remote work, digital technology encourages teamwork. Task sharing and communication tools promote joint work and the development of a collective intelligence that is more likely to solve the company’s challenges!
Be better informed
Automatic tools allow you to collect statistics and information that are essential to the management of a company. Memorized, formalized and accessible to all, the data collected no longer remains in the hands of one department but can be accessed by all.
Save time with dematerialization
Governance tools to better manage meetings, document management tools to simplify and facilitate data entry and follow-up, project management tools: all these new uses linked to digital technology are aimed at saving entrepreneurs’ most precious asset, their time. At Onoff, our goal is to bring this modernity and simplification to the management of companies’ mobile fleets. This is why our online solution is both easy to install and easy to manage on a daily basis. It is in line with those solutions that streamline and improve day-to-day work. To make it a successful year!
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